child education

Technology And Child Education

Techno-Toddlers As a child, I was very knowledgeable about the most recent technologies. Mr. Rogers Neighborhood and Sesame Street were the next shows I watched. Three local channels and two PBS stations were all received at my residence. I went to the television, took the pliers off the top, grabbed the pin, and twisted it to see what was on (the plastic dial had broken off years before I was born). Our large, black rotary phone could be used to make calls. When I played Pong in fifth grade, I thought I was onto something. I experienced my first educational programming when we purchased an Atari 400: A very early version of Roller Coaster Tycoon was Lemonade Stand. Today, a four-year-old could probably program that game while watching the most recent episode of Dora the Explorer and searching the Internet for map-related website games.

Your children can benefit and suffer from technology. Let’s examine some of the benefits and drawbacks of utilizing technology with your children:

Toys for Learning and Stimulation Computer games and toys that resemble computers can be extremely beneficial to learning. The graphics and music that accompany basic facts can assist children in learning, and repetitive games that teach letters, numbers, and reading can be excellent.

However, be careful not to overstimulate your child with video-type toys. Playing with puzzles or basic toys is also a good way to develop reading readiness. Reading books together is another great way to do so. Your child shouldn’t have to rely on buzzers and flashing lights to learn new skills.

Health Risks Carpal tunnel syndrome and vision impairment in children have been linked to video games and computer games. Additionally, playing these games becomes addictive, which is a real problem. Setting time limits for gaming is very important. While your child may be developing amazing small motor skills, he may also be damaging the nerves in his hands. Maintain a close eye on him and his fingers.

Predators on the Internet The Internet is an amazing resource for education. With your child, conduct research on anything that interests you. There are also websites with games and activities for most children’s programming. Children can also create houses, care for pets, and write on interactive websites.

When children are using the internet, it is critical that parents keep a close eye on them. Child predators occasionally enter chat rooms on websites for children. If your child has an email address, keep a close eye on it for spam and inappropriate content. Children are naturally curious, but if left to their own devices online, they can quickly get into a lot of trouble with adults.

Cell phones My daughter begged for a phone when she got home yesterday from fourth grade. I assumed she just wanted to appear older than she really was because both of her teenage brothers have smartphones. Not at all; more than half of her class possesses cell phones. The rate at which the kids talk and text is incredible.

Cell phones can be useful tools for communication. Texting and sending photos are two ways that children share their worlds and communicate with one another. Compared to a few decades ago, the average ten-year-old is more involved in her world than ever before.

Monitoring by parents is also important in this case. Check to see that your children are still communicating face-to-face. Texting should not take precedence over in-person interactions and play dates. Additionally, spending time outside, riding a bike, reading, or working on homework should not be hindered by texting or talking.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of two avoid watching television at all, despite the fact that there is programming on television for babies. Brain development may be impeded by an excess of stimuli. Additionally, experts maintain that babies should be forming relationships and interacting with loved ones and caregivers, not a screen.

High-pitched, loud noises from some electronic toys can permanently harm hearing. Try out toys before buying them.

Your child will get a head start on the modern cyberworld by integrating her education with technology. Just make sure to keep an eye on things and get involved. She might teach you how to program the universal remote if you ask nicely.

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