
Essential Vitamins and Minerals for Body

  • For the growth and good health of our body, vitamins and minerals are essential. There is a

wide variety of vitamins. We can get Vitamin A from meat, milk, eggs, fruits and vegetables.

It is good for our eyes, bones, muscles and tissues. We can get Vitamin B from meat, grain

and eggs. It helps our body produce red blood cells and improves brain functions. We can get

Vitamin C mainly from citrus fruits like lime and lemon. It protects our body against getting an

infection and keeps our teeth and bones healthy. We obtain Vitamin D from sunlight. It makes

our bones healthy. Vitamin E is found in eggs, nuts and seeds. It is good for our skin and eyes.

We get Vitamin K from green vegetables like lettuce. It is essential for blood clotting.

There are also different types of minerals. Calcium

is available from dairy products like milk, cheese

and yoghurt. It helps to build our teeth and bones.

Iron helps the blood to carry oxygen within the body.

We can obtain it from meat and seafood. Zinc helps


with healing of wounds. We can get it from milk, MINERALS

meat and fish. Magnesium is found in nuts, seeds,

and green vegetables and it is good for our blood



When we do not get enough vitamin and mineral supplements over a period of time, they will

have a deficiency disease. To prevent deficiency, they should have a balanced diet or take

vitamin and mineral supplements.


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